
Welcome to the Jungle

I don't even know where to begin. You have no idea how much can happen in 10 days.

Let's start with the good stuff...I like to hear the good news before the bad.

I am really proud of myself. This year I have really put everything behind me and let the past live in the past. A lot of people who I considered "enemies" are now friends of mine. Also I have never been good at having guy friends but this year I have quite a few. I am trying to really focus of my studies this year. I have joined about 4 clubs which I will really try to dedicate myself to.

I may have a job, Ill know for sure after this week is over. So thats a plus. It would only be 6 hours a week, and I would make atleast 42 dollars more than likely around 70 so thats some extra spending/gas money.

I am set on UK however when it comes to majors I have no idea. Im considering Political Science, Linguistics, and Foreign Languages more than anything else but Im going in as undeclared...as well as 3 hours shy of being a sophomore. I may try to take a summer course at the community college just so I can full be a sophomore.

I don't have any crazy love life boy drama which is such a nice change. No point in getting attached before going off to college.

I still really love all of my classes, I dont know if Ill love them so much after my first test grade but we'll see. My hardest class is Organic Chem. I am really enjoying Anatomy and Art. Both are classes I just thought Id be apathetic about. English isn't too challenging, but it's about to get harder and harder I can tell. I hope I can make it through that class alright.

I am starting to figure some things out about my beliefs. I think I was just a crossroads, a point where all I had was blindness. I have started trying to read the bible to figure out some answers. I am going to church tomorrow for the first time in over a month. I know a lot of people really care about me and I am so thankful to have amazing people like that in my life. My wondering heart is beginning to emerge from the darkness. One thing I can say is that if I do fall on the path I was on before I will believe whole heartedly and I will not act the same. I didnt think I put people below me, but I did. I will not make that same mistake.

Ali is leaning more and more toward UK which makes me really happy. I would so love to be at the same place together. I miss her terribly. I am just really thankful we take the time to talk most everyday. She is one of the biggest blessings in my life, and she is my best friend.

I think that covers the good.
I am in such a good mood I dont even want to discuss the bad so I'll leave it at that and let all of you be happy as well.

I am so excited to see how my senior year plays out. I need to get my camera battery charged and start taking tons of pictures.

To all of you who care about me and take the time to read this, I appreciate it and you mean a lot to me.

Enjoy the 3 day weekend!


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