
Life's Q&A

Well I have officially survived a week of my senior year. I wish it was the last week of school though. I have exactly 169 school days left. Is it sad that I am counting? I am just so ready for my college experience. I would love to rush and be in a sorrority, there's just something so enticing about it. No, not the parties and alcohol--that's not really my scene--but the idea of that kind of bond, that sisterhood just really makes me want to be apart of a tradition like that. Unless I am rejected, which I hope to dear life I am not, I am pretty positive about UK. It just seems to be a real fit for me. I could go on and on about this subject, and maybe one blog I will but just not right now. Sorry for all you so eager to read nothing but pages about my love for UK.

My cousin, who is more like my sister, is pretty set on WKU. I am upset that we probably won't end up together but she will have to come home to Lexington sometime and when she does we will most definitely spend some quality time together. She has been my rock through so much. During all of this college madness she has helped to hold me accountable and really made me question my logic. This once again is something I could write pages about, so I won't bore you. I will just say she is my sister, my best friend, and my hero. I don't really know where or who I'd be without her.

Even though the school year is just beginning homework has already been coming my way. I have quizzes and tests next week. It's going to be a challenging year, but I have a feeling it will also be very rewarding. I am stepping out of my comfort zone in many ways to really get the full high school experience, mine has always been slightly atypical. I really enjoy my teachers this year. They are all really wonderful instructors and I know they are going to teach me so much. I am actually looking forward to learning this year. I think this is the first year where everything is not going to feel like a review. It's the real deal, it's new, it's a challenge, an adventure.

In English we are doing this really long author project and I picked J.D. Salinger. His most notable work is Catcher in the Rye. I have started reading it and I really enjoy it. I am really impressed by the protagonist, Holden Caufield. He just has the voice, this undeniable presence and identity that steals your attention, drawing you deeper and deeper into the pages. It's really remarkable actually. I look forward to finishing it and getting to read some of his shorter works. He wrote many short stories and I can only choose 5-7 so it will be tough deciding. I think Salinger has such a unique style. He really create his story from the first word of the first page.

I know this blog, like all of my blogs, is really unrelated and random. I apologize and now continue.

I am so excited for my high schools football team to start this season. I got into football last year while I was gone to the academy and so now I want to go and cheer my school on. I also may attend my first school dance this year. I just have never really had the urge to go all that much.

I was thinking about dreams the other night right before I fell asleep. It was so unusual. I can remember this one dream I had the night before I went to disneyworld for the first time when I was five. I can remember at least one image from every dream I have had. I don't know why but I can. I usually have 2 or 3 dreams a week, I am glad I do. I think I sleep better when I have them.

I saw the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 yesterday, I liked it but I wasn't blown over by it. I think it could have had more action, more comedy, and better transitions. Tonight I am going to watch Jr. Miss. I am so nervous to see who will win. There are only a few girls that Im not really supporting but otherwise I am really unbiased as to who wins. I dont know if thats the right word choice but Im going with it.

Fallon and I hung out again yesterday. It was so much fun. We came to my house and were being dumb as usual. Fallon started doing this real creepy bunny look with like this snake thing( how the slither there tongue out), it was scaring me so bad. We had this chase around the house until I locked her out. She sat in my car for a while writing me this lovely note and then we came back in. There was a lot more to it but its hard to explain. We don't fight, like I don't know if we can. We are so much a like its crazy. I nicknamed her bunny now, because her creepy face that she makes. She wrote me this note in class cause she got bored so I thought, hey I'll just write her on here:

Dear Bunny/Casey-Adrian lover,

You are amazing. I can't believe we get along so well. I hope your having fun with your mom tonight while shes in town. I also hope your legs arent hurting you from running. You note made me happy, I would love more notes :). I can't believe how many secrets you know. TOO MANY. I have some boy news for you, so lets chat soon. I hope your enjoying having internet on your laptop, your probably reading this relaxed in your bathtub right now. Hope you don't drop your laptop. Oh and Jaylen is sooo not cute. Mmk so like I said yesterday you're like my little sister so please don't settle for any punk. You deserve the best.
I love you!!

There you have it fallon, you have your own shout out.

I think that about covers everything, I can't immagine how long this blog is going to be. Sorry if I bored you. My life is not the most interesting to live, I'm sure it's not much more interesting on paper, well electronic paper, aka the internet. Okay so I'm shutting up now. Have a great weekend.


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