
Clickable Sharpies

So yes I know my blog titles relate nothing to the subject I write about but I like to keep it interesting somehow for all you readers. 3 people view this place a week, I mean it's pretty busy.

Okay, excuse me for the sarcasm. I should be thanking anyone who takes the time to read this period. I still haven't quite figured out why anyone would. Most of it probably doesn't intrest you, let alone make sense.

Today was a weird day, off beat I guess you could say. I slept the latest I have all summer--3 pm but I gues when you stay up until 6 am thats what happens. I didn't really do much I wachted parental control and a new Jon and Kate plus 8 but thats about it. Around 5 I got a call, my friend Dominic wanted to hangout. I have hardly seen him this summer but I was like okay sure.

We went down to the river front out on the docks and skipped rocks. After that we went to En El Rio, Id never been and I was actually pretty impressed with it. I got over my deathly fear of shredded lettuce. Bet you didn't know that about me. I have been afraid of it for forever. My sister-in-law's best friend was serving us and I ordered my tacos without but I didnt want to make her feel bad so I just ate it. No more fear of shredded lettuce for me :).

We went to DQ and got blizzards afterwards. Most of this he paid for by the way. He kept making comments about oh a romantic table at dinner and the word date but I never figured out if it was a date or not. He's pretty cool, he is a year and half younger than me but when he's not being dumb he's actually quite mature. Plus he's a diehard UK fan and he's hilarious. Pretty cute too not going to lie. I'm going to be really embarassed if he read this though. Hopefully he won't find it out here in cyber space.

I got this new song for my myspace profile called Just Dance by Lady Gaga you should really check that out. Make next blog Ill make a playlist of songs for you to check out. Im pretty proud of my music taste. I enjoy mainstream, but not overplayed. I usually find obscure bands and get hooked into them. I like a little bit of every genre. I dont enjoy blues or metal very much but there are a few songs in each of those genres that evem I appreciate. Music is life.

Hmm what else what else? I am not looking forward to school starting at all. Every day brings it closer and closer. One of these days I should discuss religion on here and politics. I bet that would raise some controversy, especially for my wise friend Ali. She and I seem to butt heads on every subject immaginable. At the end of the day we still love each other. I dont throw the term best friend around a lot but I would have to say she definitely is mine. I mean we live 200 miles away, for now, but I talk to her more than anyone else. I really hope we end up at the same school. Me and her go way back. That's a blog idea too. An entire blog about me and Ali growing up and getting to where we are now.

I think Im going to add some lists for you guys. Probably favorite songs of the moment and maybe good books. Movie's don't change that often and I dont mess around on youtube enough to have any favorite videos.

This is going to be a random outburst but I really dislike Miley Cyrus. I dont want to explain but I think shes an awful role model and singer so lets leave it at that.

xoabby t.

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